GTU Result 2018- All course 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Sems

Get your GTU Result 2018 on the official website of the University. B.E,, M.B.A, B.B.A, M.E, M.Tech, Pharma and all other course semester results have been declared for all the semester exams which were conducted in November and December 2018. Candidates who had appeared in the semester 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th exams can check their GTU Exam result 2018 by following the step by step process which is updated in this article by using their exam roll number/ Registration number on the official GTU result page.

GTU Result 2018 Update

Gujarat Technological University which is also known as GTU is famous for its various UG/ PG Engineering courses in Ahmedabad city of State Gujarat. The list of courses which are famous among the students is B.B.A, B.E, and many other Diploma and engineering courses. Every year the University conducts the semester exams two times a year and declare the GTU Exam result. After appearing in the regular semester exams both regular and ex-students wait for their GTU Result 2018. In this article, we are going to list all the results of GTU which are declared or going to declare in next few days. Students can also check their GTU Diploma result by using the result links.

GTU B.B.A, B.E, B.Tech all semester results-

After the declaration of the results students have the access to their GTU Marksheet to check that how many marks they have scored in each subject and what is the total mark counts. Every year GTU Sem 1, 3, 5, 7 exams are conducted in November – December and Semester 2, 4, 6, 8 are conducted in May. The semester result of the Nov Dec exams are declared, Kindly check the links and access your Undergraduate Engineering and Management exam results.

GTU Result M.B.A, M.E, M.Tech-

Exam timings and results timing for both UG and PG courses are almost same. However, the results are declared separately on the official GTU Exam result page. The student needs to select the exam type to check their PG exam results. Students with Graduation, B.E, B.Tech degrees can only apply for various PG engineering and Management course. Like other UG courses the regular semester exams of M.B.A, M.E, M.Tech and other Master degree course regular semester exams are conducted two times every and the result of the same are declared two time.

Guide to get GTU Exam result-

It’s very easy to get your GTU Result by following the step by step guide below in few seconds.

1- First of all visit the official result page- Click Here

2- You will see a list of recently declared semester exams

3- Select your course and click on the link.

gtu result 2018

4- On next page again select your course and semester and enter your Enroll no. or Seat NO. enter the captcha and click on search button.

5- Wait for few seconds and download your GTU Result marksheet.

Important GTU Information-

University nameGTU
Exam typeBA, B.E, B.B.A, B.Tech, M.Tech, M.B.A all course
Declaration timeMarch / July
Current statusSem 1st, 3, 5, 7 declared

Recently declared GTU Result list-

In this part of this article, you can see the list of GTU Result which is declared recently. The list is being updated on daily basis. Kindly bookmark this article to get the one-click access to all the Recently declared GTU exam results

  • M.B.A Semester 1 – Regular (Dec 2017 exam)
  • M.B.A Semester 1- Remedial
  • B.E Semester 1 – Regular
  • B.E Semester 1 – Remedial
  • B.E Semester 2 – Remedial
  • Result of IC Sem 1 – Regular

You can check the whole list on the official Gujarat Technological University result page.

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